Good Diet is Vital
Diet – Foods to Include
One of the most important factor in treating a yeast infection is proper diet. You will want to include some probiotic foods in your diet to defeat your Yeast Infection. Probiotic food will help the friendly bacteria in your body which will, in turn, help fight off the excessive growth of yeast.
Yogurt is a well-known probiotic and it will help you fight off the yeast. Yogurt is also nutritionally beneficial in other ways because it has calcium, protein and other vitamins.
Yogurt is a probiotic because it contains live bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus, that can help stop unhealthy yeast from growing in your body. This is a healthy way to feel better and fight against yeast infection.
Plain Greek yogurt is best because it does not contain any added sugar.
Coconut Oil is derived from the fleshy part of the inside of a coconut. It contains fatty acids that will help fight off fungus. Coconut oil has other nutritional benefits such as helping you maintain your cholesterol levels and helping you manage your weight. You should start cooking with cocnut oil instead of your usual cooking oils. Also, you could just apply the coconut oil to the affected area of your body.
Garlic is a great cooking ingredient that goes well with many recipes. Importantly, it contains a compound named allicin. This will help fight of the fungus in your body. You can even rub raw garlic directly on your rashes.
Cranberry Juice is one of my favorite home remedies for yeast infections; all you have to do is drink a few glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice each day. Just make sure the juice is not from concentrate. Drinking cranberry juices works to dislodge and rinse yeast cells out of your body.
Cranberries have natural antibacterial properties. Use only fresh cranberries or unsweetened cranberry juice. Never use sweetened juice because the sugar will feed the Candida yeast fungi.
Apple Cider Vinegar; It has been known for a long time that Apple Cider Vinegar has strong anti-fungal properties. You can simply mix some Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water and drink it before your meal. Or you could have an apple cider vinegar bath; pour a half cup of Apple cider Vinegar into a lukewarm bath and soak in it for twenty minutes.
Diet – Foods to Avoid
You will also want to avoid certain foods when dealing with yeast infection.
Added Sugars are the first thing that should go out of your shopping list, and also, foods made of sugar. This is because yeast has a tendency to grow and multiply with sugary foods. Hence, it is better to avoid foods like fruit juice, syrups, white or brown sugar and even sugar free substitutes and sweeteners.
Added sugars are everywhere nowadays, so you will have to pay close attention to the labels of the foods you are buying and remember that there may also be some hidden forms of sugar. Refined sugars are going to increase and encourage the growth of Candida yeast.
You should also try to avoid high sugar fruits.
Yeast containing foods include bread and should be eliminated. This includes breads, rolls and bagels.
It is also important to avoid things including chocolates, caffeine, alcohol and those that contain gluten in them.