So, what actually is a yeast infection?
Candidiasis is also known as a Yeast Infection. This is a fungal infection where there is a severe overgrowth of yeast called “Candida”
When a yeast infection affects the mouth it is known as “Thrush” and “Oral Candidiasis”. Symptoms of Thrush would be white patched on the tongue and on other areas of the mouth and throat. Thrush may also make it difficult to swallow.
With oral candidiasis the most common type of yeast to cause it is Candida albicans, although a regular healthy mouth may have just a small amount of this type of yeast the problem occurs when it becomes pathogenic.
The signs and symptoms of oral thrush really depend on the type of oral candiasis. Usually there will be an appearance of lesions and (sometimes) no other symptoms. Another symptom of Thrush may be a burning sensation. Also, sometimes people may feel a burning sensation in their mouths.
The cause of Oral Thrush is normally Candida albicans, but less common maybe other yeast species such as Candida tropicalis. Almost 50% of people with a healthy mouth will include a little bit of Candida albicans the problem is when it gets out of control and attacks the host tissues of the mouth.
Oral infections are most common in babies less than one month old, elderly people and people who have weak immune symptoms.
Oral thrush could be treated with the information in the above programs or with anti-fungal drugs. The Prognosis of Yeast Infection varies widely and will be different from person to person, but usually clears up well when the right treatment is put in place.
When Candidiasis affects the Vagina it is known as a “Yeast Infection”. The symptoms of this type of infection includes such things as genital burning, burning sensation when urinating, itching and a whitish vaginal discharge.
Sometimes a fungal infection may become very aggressive and invasive invading other parts of the body, but this is quite rare.
Infection of the penis can happen, but is not common.
More symptoms of this include a vulval soreness, vulval itching, and pain and discomfort during intercourse.
There are more than 20 types of Candida which can cause Yeast Infection, but the most common of them is Candida Albicans is the most common.